Breast Augmentation - Three Ways to Determine If the Procedure Is Right for You


The Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon Boca Raton process of breast augmentation can greatly impact your breast contour and overall appearance. This is a surgical option suitable for women trying to increase their breast size and shape. The breast volume could be enhanced either through implants or via fat transfer breast enlargement. Both options are highly effective, and the latter is a more natural way of augmentation because your own body fat is used for transfer to the breasts.

This cosmetic breast surgery is not recommended for all women, however. Throughout the initial consultation using the plastic surgeon, there would certainly be a discussion concerning your expectations and goals. Your medical problem could be taken into consideration as well as the surgeon would ask about your lifestyle. You can find three major things which are considered to figure out whether the procedure meets your needs.

The age requirements as set by the FDA

The FDA has given approval to make use of saline implants for breast enhancement in women who definitely are 18 years of age and above. At the same time, the FDA has given approval to silicone implants for breast enhancement only in women who are 22 years of age and above. So, while planning to undergo the procedure, consider whether you meet the age requirements that are set by the FDA.

Whether you are ready to accept the hazards working in the procedure

Any plastic surgeon would rather make use of a patient which is well-informed and confident. As in any other surgical procedure, there are certain risks associated with breast augmentation surgery such as rippling and capsular contracture, implant displacement or damage and visible scarring. With breast augmentations, extra steps have to be taken for looking after your health. Regular follow-up visits are also required with all the cosmetic surgeon.

Are you in good physical and mental health?

The surgeon that you choose will definitely need to know whether you experienced a newly released past of depression, breast cancers or autoimmune disorder or whether you might have medical ailments that may lead to complications during the surgery. These include allergies to anesthesia and chronic hypertension.

You should maintain Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon Boca Raton realistic expectations with regards to the results and recognize that breast augmentation may have its limitations and risks. If you are found to be a candidate for the procedure and undergo the surgery, make sure that you follow all the instructions of your plastic surgeon to maintain the good results obtained.